Утас: +976 7200-0606 Имэйл: [email protected] Төв салбар: СБД 11-р хороо, 100 айл, Цагдаагийн гудамж, Зөгийн үүр худалдааны төв, 2 давхар 14, 17 тоот Салбар 2: СБД, 11-р хороо, 100 айл, Цагдаагийн гудамж, Хурд худалдааны төв, 206 тоот
When registering an appliance on our GE Appliances website, you can choose to register as a guest, "Continue As Guest", or create an Account, "Create Account". If you simply register as a guest, we will have a record of the appliance registration. However, you will not be able to log in and view the appliance registration in the future.