Navigate to Albums: If the album has sub-albums, you'll see a number next to the image count for the album underneath the album preview. Clicking on the album count will show you any sub-albums within the album. Expand the Album List: If you're viewing your albums in Show Albums, you can click the carrot next to the album title. This will ...
The only album that doesn't have a limit is your Mobile Uploads album. If you try to upload an image or a video to an album that has already reached its maximum limit, it will not upload. In this situation, you will need to create a new album or a new sub-album within that album to upload the images.
Select the Group Bucket that contains the album you would like to download; Tap the menu once more and scroll down to the album list; Tap the icon to bring up a list of options; Tap to Download Album Group Bucket Albums will be emailed to you with a link to your download once all your images are ready!
Downloading your Group Bucket albums from your mobile browser is quick and easy! Find the Group Bucket you would like from the menu at the top left; Select the Group Bucket that contains the album you would like to download; Choose your album from the left side album list; Click to bring up a list of options; Click
Love videos, sharing food pics, or documenting everything your baby does? Photobucket makes it easy to share your favorite moments and passions with family and friends, no matter if they're on iOS or Android. Photobucket's photo storage and video storage is the perfect place for group sharing of any kind.
While viewing the group bucket, locate the album in the left-hand album list. Click the 3 dots next to the album name; Select +Create Album; Name your album; Click Save; Note: If you cannot see the albums and sub-albums you created, expand the album by clicking the triangle next to the album name. Moving Albums & Sub-Albums: To move an album or ...