Our CR strategy is tailored to our specific strengths and opportunities, as a network of professional services firms. To align and structure our CR activities, we focus on four areas in which PwC people can play their part: responsible business, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, and environmental stewardship.
PwC Česká republika je součástí celosvětové sítě firem s více než 250 tisíci lidí ve 158 zemích světa. V PwC usilujeme o vytváření důvěry a řešení důležitých problémů ve společnosti. Poskytujeme kvalitní auditorské, daňové, právní a poradenské služby, jimiž podporujeme naše klienty při dosahování jejich cílů.
The Government and UK regulators kicked off their review of the Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) on 30 March 2023. HM Treasury issued a Call for Evidence on the legislative aspects of the regime, and the FCA and PRA published a joint Discussion Paper (DP1/23), seeking industry views on the effectiveness, scope and proportionality of the regime, and how …
After restarting your device and the AI generated images still don't appear, let us know through an email at team@cr LOL aiyon or let us a message on Discord and we'll look into it. How does the AI model work? The model learns concepts from images. Each time you enter a prompt, it will create unique images based on its current knowledge and ...
As part of PwC, our approach to our Corporate responsibility aligns closely with the rest of the network. Every day we work hard to ensure that the impact we have on the world around us is a positive one. Strategy& colleagues come together not only in their work at clients, but also in their communities. ...
The Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD) has increased demand for enhanced transparency in all areas of sustainability reporting. Its requirements for workforce reporting are the most significant of the three primary Sustainability disclosure frameworks (which also include the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and SEC standards).. Both large EU …