The RC2000 controller family is the industry standard for dual axis antennas with pulse type position sensor. The RC2000A is perfect for all geostationary satellite applications. The RC2000C and RC2000X add the ability for Step-Track and Memory-Track for all geosynchronous satellite needs. RC2000C is well equipped to handle the demanding requirements for both domestic …
Messeinheit und rc2000-Software ermöglichen Erzeugung und Messung analoger und digitaler Signale. Alle Messungen sind real. Nichts wird simuliert. Einheit ist mit PC über USB-Kabel verbunden, alle Versionen von MS Windows sind unterstützt (WinXP, Vista, 7, 8 und 10). Einheit umfasst: 2 Differenzanalogeingänge 1 Differenzanalogausgang
1. SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor Desoldering Handpiece: renowned as the best continuous vacuum desoldering tool on the planet, the SX-100 Solder Extractor has been improved so that is does not clog!: 2. PS-90 Universal Soldering Iron: excellent for general purpose and heavy-duty soldering and SMT rework operations where high thermal capacity and flexibility are required.