Keywords: continuous-cast semifinished product, cross-rolling piercing mill, thin-walled hollow, finite-element method. One of the main priorities of the Severskii Pipe Plant at present is to reduce the cost of producing the pipes that it makes. The company's success in achieving this goal will depend largely on the efficiency of the ...

in the cross-roll piercing mill, most seamless tube plants lack the monitoring at the hot piercing stage but only inspect the quality of finished tubes using ultrasonic testing (UT) at the end of all manufacturing processes. This paper develops an online monitoring tech-nique to detect abnormal conditions in the cross-roll piercing mill.

Power consumption of the cross-roll piercing mill. In addition, the billet advance velocity in the steady region is also checked. The mean velocity of the piercing process of the billet measured experimentally is 363.4 mm/s, the simulation of model 1 results in a mean velocity of 358.1 mm/s, and that of model 2 (α=0.22) is 15% lower.

Identifying Heterogeneous Friction Coefficients on the Hot Forming Tools in Mannesmann Cross-Roll Piercing. Meriane Fernandes N. Marouf P. Montmitonnet K. Mocellin. ... This paper studies the influence of diverse friction models on the numerical analysis of an industrial skew rolling mill using FORGE®. The originality of the present ...

It is a conical, two-high cross-rolling piercing mill with an active rotating guide disk and a large feeding angle (Fig. 2). The diameter of the tone-type roll increases gradually along the piercing deformation zone, so the tangential shear stress in the deformation process of the tube blank is reduced to a great extent and the rotary cross ...

Cross Roll Piercing Mill Plug with Material 20crni4. Cross Roll Piercing Mill Plug with Material 20crni4. Pipes are developped from solid round steel billets. The billet is charged into a rotary hearth furnace. After the billet is discharged from the rotary hearth furnace, a small hole is punched into its end.

The authors evaluate the degree of agreement between results obtained from piercing continuous-cast semifinished products on a cross-rolling piercing mill and the indices of this process determined by finiteelement modeling. New piercing-mill equipment has been developed to make thin-walled hollows. Computer software is used to evaluate the optimality …

2.4 Technology Highlights – SMS Meer Cross-Roll Piercing Mills Figure 5: Largest piercing mill in operation in a 18" PQF mill at TPCO / China. Working roll diameter 1,500 mm Piercing of billets with 500 mm diameter and max. weight of 5 tons Rolling of hollow blooms with max. 512 mm diameter and 11 m length Drive power 2 x 6,000 kW.

Plug Mill Process is a proven process for manufacturing of higher diameter Seamless Pipes by heating round billets up to the plastic stage of steel and piercing in a Cross Roll Piercer. Further elongation is achieved through a Plug Mill in which the thick wall hot hollow is rolled through a pair of Top and Bottom Rolls with a plug inside to ...

The Rolling Process is a widely used manufacturing technique in the metal industry that involves passing the metal through a pair of rotating rolls to reduce its thickness and change its cross-sectional shape.This process is highly versatile and capable of producing a wide range of metal products, such as sheets, plates, bars, and structural shapes, with precise dimensions …

The article presents a comparison of the piercing process conducted in a two-roll Diescher mill and a three-roll mill. The comparative analysis was based on the numerical simulations of the aforementioned processes, obtained using Forge NxT 1.1. software. It was stated that the most favourable manufacturing method is skew rolling in three-mill rolling mills. …

Chen, R, Guo, W, & Jin, J(. "Online Eccentricity Monitoring of Seamless Tubes in Cross-Roll Piercing Mill." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the JSME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing and the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference.

Cross-roll piercing ranks as the leading piercing method for seamless tubes and offers considerable advantages compared to alternative methods such as piercing presses or press-piercing mills. Plant owners are able to process heavier billets as well as achieve measurably closer wall thickness tolerances.

Identifying heterogeneous friction coefficients on the hot forming tools in Mannesmann cross-roll piercing FERNANDES Meriane1,a *, MAROUF Nabil1,b, MONTMITONNET Pierre2,c and MOCELLIN Katia2,d 1 Vallourec Research Centre France, Aulnoye-Aymeries, 59620, France 2 CEMEF, MINES ParisTech, PSL*, CNRS UMR7635, Sophia Antipolis, 06904, France …