Утас: +976 7200-0606 Имэйл: [email protected] Төв салбар: СБД 11-р хороо, 100 айл, Цагдаагийн гудамж, Зөгийн үүр худалдааны төв, 2 давхар 14, 17 тоот Салбар 2: СБД, 11-р хороо, 100 айл, Цагдаагийн гудамж, Хурд худалдааны төв, 206 тоот
Surge Anticipation Valves: A surge anticipation valve is specially designed to provide a diversionary fluid flow during a pressure surge event. Intermediate Check valves: In a long pipeline, an intermediate check valve has the ability to prevent the damaging reverse velocity from reaching a pump station.
Storm surge is an abnormal water level rise generated by a storm over and above the predicted astronomical tide. Storm tide is the water level rise due to the combination of storm surge and the astronomical tide. This rise in water level can cause extreme flooding in coastal areas, particularly when storm surge coincides with normal high tide ...
A "surge" on an electrical system results from energy being impressed on the system at some point, which can occur due to lightning strikes or system operations. The impressed energy travels throughout the system in the form of waves, with a speed and magnitude that vary along with the parameters of the sy…